Judul: The Day of The Jackal
Penulis: Frederick Forsyth
Penerjemah: Ranina B. Kunto
Penyunting: Edi Toha
Pemeriksa Aksara: Dian Pranasari
Pewajah Isi: Dinar Ramdhani Nugraha
Tebal: 609 halaman
Penerbit: PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta Juni 2011 (pertama kali 1971)
ISBN13: 9789790243569
Novel ini bersetting di Eropa tepatnya setelah selesainya perang dunia kedua. Referendum baru saja dilakukan di Aljazair, negara jajahan Prancis, dan referendum itu memutuskan bahwa Aljazair melepaskan diri dari Prancis sebagai negara yang merdeka. Peristiwa inilah yang melatarbelakangi usaha pembunuhan terhadap Presiden Prancis, Charles de Gaulle oleh gerakan sayap kanan Prancis. Apa itu pembunuhan?Assassinology.org memberi definisi dan tujuan pembunuhan sebagai berikut.
Assassination: The act of assassination occurs when someone important is murdered for one of three reasons:
1. Political beliefs: the selective killing of an individual enemy in the hope that their policies die with them.
2. Power: committed simply to take the place of a VIP, or to transfer their power to someone else. As international terrorist Carlos the Jackal put it: “To get anywhere, you have to walk over corpses”.
3. Notoriety: Disturbed individuals who want to achieve fame through the elimination of a VIP. Sirhan Sirhan told his interrogators: “They can gas me, but I am famous; I have achieved in one day what it took Robert Kennedy all his life to do”.
Penulis: Frederick Forsyth
Penerjemah: Ranina B. Kunto
Penyunting: Edi Toha
Pemeriksa Aksara: Dian Pranasari
Pewajah Isi: Dinar Ramdhani Nugraha
Tebal: 609 halaman
Penerbit: PT. Serambi Ilmu Semesta Juni 2011 (pertama kali 1971)
ISBN13: 9789790243569
Novel ini bersetting di Eropa tepatnya setelah selesainya perang dunia kedua. Referendum baru saja dilakukan di Aljazair, negara jajahan Prancis, dan referendum itu memutuskan bahwa Aljazair melepaskan diri dari Prancis sebagai negara yang merdeka. Peristiwa inilah yang melatarbelakangi usaha pembunuhan terhadap Presiden Prancis, Charles de Gaulle oleh gerakan sayap kanan Prancis. Apa itu pembunuhan?Assassinology.org memberi definisi dan tujuan pembunuhan sebagai berikut.
Assassination: The act of assassination occurs when someone important is murdered for one of three reasons:
1. Political beliefs: the selective killing of an individual enemy in the hope that their policies die with them.
2. Power: committed simply to take the place of a VIP, or to transfer their power to someone else. As international terrorist Carlos the Jackal put it: “To get anywhere, you have to walk over corpses”.
3. Notoriety: Disturbed individuals who want to achieve fame through the elimination of a VIP. Sirhan Sirhan told his interrogators: “They can gas me, but I am famous; I have achieved in one day what it took Robert Kennedy all his life to do”.